Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012 - Just for Today

Just for Today
Monday, April 30, 2012

Just for today, I'll use a novel tactic: instead of an alcoholic, I'll be a soberholic. If "alcoholic" calls attention to the fact that I am addicted to alcohol, can't "soberholic" state that my addiction is sobriety? Arguably, despite the progress of AA in striking down the image of the alcoholic as the down-and-out'er sleeping in alleys or drying out in a flop house, jailhouse or mental hospital, a stigma remains. Might I be able to erode that stigma by labeling my addiction sobriety instead of alcohol? If so, maybe the implication that my addiction is sobriety can renew my self-confidence and weaken any temptation or lingering doubts as drinking again. As someone addicted to sobriety, why do I need alcohol? Today, at the risk of angering those who warn against trading one addiction for another, I'll substitute dependence on alcohol to addiction to sobriety. And our common journey continues. Just for today. - Chris M., 2012

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