Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Aug. 7, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: Step by Step


Step by Step
Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024

Today, look to the 12th Step and ask if we are effective carriers of the message. Before we can carry the message, Step 12 suggests we first have a spiritual awakening and, second, we practice the principles of the 12 Steps and Traditions in “all our affairs.” If, on honest evaluation, we can truthfully attest to a spiritual awakening and to practicing the principles of the 12 Steps and Traditions “in all our affairs,” we might be an effective carrier of the message to someone who is both struggling to get and stay sober. But if we are turned off by the idea of a spiritual awakening or apply some of the Program’s principles selectively, how can we be an effective 12th-Stepper? How do we carry a message we have not embraced? Because a way of keeping what we have is to pass it on, we seek wisdom from our Higher Power to be humbled to carry the message. And our common journey continues. Step by step. — Chris M., 2024

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