Saturday, August 24, 2024

Aug. 24, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time


A Day at a Time
Saturday, Aug. 24, 2024

Reflection for the Day
Some of us, after we’ve taken the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and then the Seventh Step, sit back and simply wait for our Higher Power to remove our shortcomings. The program’s teachings remind us of the story of St. Francis working in a beautiful garden. A passerby said, “You must have prayed very hard, to get such beautiful plants to grow.” The good saint answered, “Yes, I did. But every time I started to pray, I reached for the hoe.” As soon as our “wait” is changed to “dig,” the promise of the Seventh Step begins to become reality.

Do I expect my Higher Power to do it all?

Today I Pray
May I not just pray and wait — for my Higher Power to do everything. Instead may I pray as I reach for the tools The Program gives me. May I ask now for guidance on how I can best use these precious tools.

Today I Will Remember
Pray and act.

Hazelden Foundation

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