Thursday, August 22, 2024

Aug. 22, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time


A Day at a Time
Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024

Reflection for the Day
So often, in the past, we prayed for “things,” or favoring circumstances, or a thousand requests that were really selfish in nature. I’ve learned in The Program that real prayer begins — not ends — in asking God to change me. In fact, that’s exactly what the Seventh Step suggests: Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. We ask God for help through His grace, and the amazing thing is that such a prayer is answered if we truly want it to be. Our own wills are so much a required part of the result that it seems almost as if we had done it. But the help from God is even more necessary; without Him, we couldn’t possibly have done it alone.

Have I asked God to help me change myself?

Today I Pray
May I learn to pray broadly — that God’s will be done, that God remove my shortcomings. No need to specify what these shortcomings are; God who knows all, knows. May I learn that details are not necessary in my praying. All that matters is my humility and my faith that God, does indeed, have the Power to change my life.

Today I Will Remember
I ask God to change me.

Hazelden Foundation

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