Monday, June 27, 2022

June 27, 2022 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Monday, June 27, 2022

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

I made you a kite so you would have to look up.  Uncle Pete

Friends and helpers. No matter how bleak the times, if we keep looking we can almost always find one of these human rays of sunshine. But we have to keep looking.

A man at a meeting of adult children told about just such a person in his past. It was his Uncle Pete, a man who was well aware of his nephew’s heavy problems. Although he couldn’t do much about the boy’s unhappy situation, Uncle Pete did the one thing he could do — he built the boy a kite. As he told the story now, the nephew said that he had flown the kite once in a while, but he really hadn’t liked it much.

Years later, he asked his uncle why he had given him that particular gift. And the uncle answered, “I made you a kite so you would have to look up.”

Chances are that in our past — and perhaps still today — there are those who try the best they can to build us a kite. They encourage us and compliment us; they tell us they care while we question their motives and doubt their sincerity. We can look for such people in our lives.

Today, I will be less guarded, less defensive, less suspicious.

Hazelden Foundation

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