Saturday, August 10, 2024

Aug. 10, 2024 - Reaidngs in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Saturday, Aug. 10, 2024

Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

We are empowered to decide exactly what kind of dy we will have, every day.

So many times throughout the day we are inclined toward anger, frustration, criticism, or perhaps all three. We love to blame a situation or another person for how we are feeling. Many of us have shirked responsibility for our feelings and our behavior.

When we came into the program and first learned that we needed to be wholly accountable both for our feelings and for our behavior, we panicked. The responsibility seemed overwhelming. On occasion, it still does. But it's also exhilarating to know that we, and only we, can decide how we are going to feel. No one can trigger behavior that we aren't willing to display. No one can decide who we will be or how we will feel; we are the ones in charge. That's a wonderful gift.

I am in charge of myself today. I'll enjoy my life, all of it, if I choose to.

Hazelden Foundation

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