Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Jan. 6, 2021 - Readings in Recovery: Step by Step


Step by Step
Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021

Today, grant I not take for granted the vital lifeline of a recovery home group. As such, I need to determine that I am attending enough meetings to bolster my recovery or, if I am limited by whatever restraints to make the meetings, that I have a strong enough support network to carry me through. Working toward any goal, especially the goal of sobriety, can be more difficult if I am working alone. That difficulty is dissolved when I have the support of others working toward the same goal but, in the process, I need to be willing to be honest in sharing my own history, what I have gained in the Program and on which Steps I need more work. Today, I need not be in self-imposed isolation, even in recovery, and I have to recognize the importance of peer and group support and acceptance. And our common journey continues. Step by step. – Chris M., 2021

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