Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Saturday July 27, 2024

Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

What, then, is your duty? What the day demands.

-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

We live our new lives in recovery "One day at a time." What a relief. Sometimes the changes we are making seem so big we get a little afraid that we can’t do it all. We forget that we don’t have to do it all at once. "Easy does it."

Recovery is not just about what we do every day (or how much we do). It is much more about how we do every day. Am I living today as a person in recovery? Am I being honest, kind, sober, and living by my values? Am I willing to help someone else if they need help?

Of course we need to think about the future, too. We need to have dreams about what our life can be. But these will come. They are not supposed to take our energy today. Today's energy is for living today well.

Prayer for the Day

Higher Power, help me live today in your grace. Help me live a strong, healthy recovery as I learn that life happens "One day at a time.

Today's Action

I will list three things that I handled today like a person in recovery would handle them. I will think about how I would have handled these things when I was using alcohol or drugs. I will call my sponsor and talk about the way I lived today.

Hazelden Foundation

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