Monday, December 14, 2020

Dec. 14, 2020 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time


A Day at a Time
Monday, Dec. 14, 2020

Reflection for the Day
Some of us in The Program are inclined to make the mistake of thinking that the few moments we spend in prayer and meditation – in “talking with God” – are all that count. The truth is that the attitude we maintain throughout the entire day is just as important. If we place ourselves in God’s hands in the morning, and throughout the day hold ourselves ready to accept His will as it is made known through the events of our daily life, our attitude of acceptance becomes a constant prayer.

Can I try to cultivate an attitude of total acceptance each day?

Today I Pray
May I maintain contact with my Higher Power all through my day, not just check in for a prayer now and then. May my communion with God never become merely a casual aside. May I come to know that every time I do something that is in accord with God’s will I am living a prayer.

Today I Will Remember
Prayer is an attitude.

Hazelden Foundation

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