Thursday, March 12, 2020

March 12, 2020 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Thursday, March 12, 2020
Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:
As with expeditions into the wilds when we have endured storms and rapids, cold and sleet, and sometimes lack of food, it is ultimately the good things we remember, not the bad. — Sigurd F. Olson
In our daily lives, we often take a very short perspective. We see what is worrisome today, what is pressing hardest, or what is most frightening or confusing. Eventually, we may look back and have a totally different idea about what was truly important on this day.
Let us take a moment now to remember what does endure, what we value most, what counts in the long run. For a brief quiet time, we can let go of all the anxieties of this moment. During these few quiet moments, we will identify our tensions and then place them totally into the hands of our Higher Power. This is our time to let go of our worries and be refreshed. It will provide a background of serenity for our day
Today, help me remember this corner of serenity as I meet the tasks and activities on my path.
Hazelden Foundation

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