Just for Today
Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012
Just for today, I cannot be too eager to "Let Go and Let God." In whatever needs to be handed over to my Higher Power, there may be something I must learn about myself before - and if - I let it go. If something I think is bad is causing me feelings I don't want to feel, I may need another Fourth or at least a 10th Step to ask if the problem is ME, not the situation or another person. And if the problem is me, I need to determine why; if the issue is someone or something else, I must ask God for His will and if indeed the matter is something I should and must confront instead of taking the "easy out" by ignoring it. Today, I ask God for the wisdom to know the difference between dealing with something painful but which might give me growth - and expecting Him to do what He wants ME to handle. And our common journey continues. Just for today. - Chris M., 2012
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