Monday, April 12, 2021

April 12, 2021 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Monday, April 12, 2021

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

Old habits are hard to break

Our behavior and beliefs were ingrained by the time we entered the Twelve Step program. Our family of origin had taught us how to interpret our experiences. Our friends had complimented us for our values, or for the absence of them. So we had developed stock responses to many situations. We didn’t think very hard or long about what to do. Unfortunately, we made many mistakes.

We are learning from those mistakes now, and we are slowly developing new responses. We are learning how to listen rather than how to shame or try to control. We are learning how to let other people make their own decisions. Seeking help from people who share this program is a big step for us. From the Steps we are absorbing a new set of values and a new understanding of who we really are. And we are trying to give our lives and will to God daily.

Our process for change will be a long one, but perfection is not expected. Making a tiny bit of progress, every day, is all that’s necessary.

I can’t change the things that need changing overnight. Just knowing that some habits need to go is a beginning. Today I’ll work on one of them.

Hazelden Foundation

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