Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7, 2013 - Today's Gift from Hazelden

Thursday, March 7, 2013
Today's thought from Hazelden is:

Courage: The power to let go of the familiar. -- Raymond Lindquist

Some days our recovery demands giant doses of courage. It is so hard to let go of slippery people, places, and things. We still miss our old using friends. Knowing that they're not good for us doesn't take the missing away. We feel like we're stuck in the middle between yesterday and tomorrow. We are. It's a place called today.

Living in the present is a courageous act. Our old familiar life is full of pain and regrets, but it is familiar. Deep inside, though, we know that being clean and sober is the best hope we have for ourselves. Today we can be brave and face what each day brings with courage and the knowledge that we are doing the right thing for ourselves.

Today, let me have the courage to believe that the best is yet to come.
From the book:
Our Best Days by Nancy Hull-Mast. © 1990 by Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved.

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