Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Feb. 7, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

The Gifts of Rest

At its core, resting is about being and not doing. It’s about slowing down, breathing, setting devices aside, pausing and being still, being quiet. We often equate resting with sleeping, and getting enough sleep at night or taking a nap can be part of resting, but they aren’t the whole enchilada.

Some people think that resting is an unproductive waste of time, but the opposite is true. Rest is a gift you give yourself, full stop. But if productivity is important to you, you should know that you will always be more productive on the other side of rest. You are better off to rest before you get tired. When we’re tired, we’re more susceptible to all sorts of things, like drawing on coping mechanisms that don’t serve us. When we’re tired, we pull from adrenaline for energy. Do you know what that means? We make things exciting — we manufacture excitement — so we can pull some energy from it. How about we manufacture energy by resting?

Can you schedule rest breaks throughout your day so that you can relax, refresh, or recover? Treat time as your friend. Lose any guilt you have about resting.

Rest is a crucial part of recovery.

Hazelden Foundation

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