Sunday, February 11, 2024

Feb. 11, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

The friendships we enjoy through this Twelve Step program are unconditional, honest, intimate and lasting.

The freedom to let people know who we really are is perhaps the most treasured of all the gifts of this program. For most of our lives, we suffered from the fear that if people really knew us, they wouldn’t like us. Worse yet, they’d abandon us. Our perpetual fear and shame kept us isolated. And we were so alone and lonely.

Today we have friends who are as close as a quick phone call. These women and men have struggled, as we are struggling, with the power of addiction in loved ones. With our friends in the program we can openly share our fears and anger. From our friends in the program we receive solace and guidance. We feel confident that our friends accept us wholly, that they won’t judge us for our actions or for the behavior of our children or spouses. We can enjoy times of peace, at last, because of these new friends.

How grateful I feel that I have friends who will be glad to hear from me if I make a call. I won’t be scared and lonely today.

Hazelden Foundation

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