Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Nov. 23, 2021 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2021

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

Let us us be willing to release old hurts. — Martha Smock

All of us have experienced at least a few significant hurts, not to mention the many minor slights that are a part of living. And throughout our remaining years, we’ll continue to occasionally experience rejection, meanness from friends and strangers, and perhaps even abandonment. We have not been guaranteed a life free from pain and hurt. Instead, we can trust we’ll be given the life experiences that will carry us through to our destiny.

We’re learning what’s needed, daily, and not all of our teachers are offering joy-filled lessons. They are the right lessons, however. And we know greater joy when we relax and understand that God is there to guide us through every conflict and comfort us in every painful moment.

We don’t need to harbor ill feelings toward those who may be teaching us a difficult lesson today. We can see these people as our teachers, as God’s emissaries. They are merely introducing us to another aspect of our evolving selves.

Today I will forgive my hurts of yesterday and rejoice that God is ever present.

Hazelden Foundation

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