Friday, September 3, 2021

Sept. 3, 2021 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


FridaySept. 3, 2021

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

An asset can become a defect

A positive trait many of us share is that we are good managers—we handle our responsibilities at home and on the job efficiently. Often our self-worth is tied to the praise we receive from other people. But it’s a short leap from being a good manager to handling responsibilities that clearly belong to someone else. When we make that leap, we suddenly turn an admirable asset into a defect.

Our propensity for taking over the responsibilities of others comes from our need to control and our desire for continued affirmation of our skills. Being good managers over some aspects of our lives wins us desired compliments. Thus we figure that managing other people’s lives will guarantee us love!

But we learn in the Twelve Step program that the truth is quite different. “Let go and let God,” “Live and let live,” the Twelve Step program tells us. These slogans seem foreign at first. Watching others and learning from them, however, change how we see our purpose in life. The change feels good, in time.

Managing my own life is my only assignment today.

Hazelden Foundation

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