Saturday, October 24, 2020

Oct. 24, 2020 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Saturday, Oct. 20, 2020

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

Insight is cheap. — Martha Roth

For years we kept ourselves in a split condition: With one part of our minds we looked at ourselves and said, “I do some self-destructive things because I don’t believe I deserve love.” When we became involved with unsuitable people or abused our bodies, we said, “I am punishing myself—I am expecting too much—I neglect my own needs.” We may see clearly how and why we get in our own way.

But unless we have faith in a power greater than ourselves, we won’t step aside. We won’t let go. We’ll do the same thing and “understand” ourselves in the same ways. We may even use our “insight” to keep ourselves stuck—to protect ourselves from the risk of change.

Now, having had a spiritual awakening, having come to believe that a higher power can restore us, we possess a gift more powerful than the keenest insight—faith in our ability to grow and change. We are children of God. All the creative power of the universe streams through us, if we don’t block it.

Today, I will have faith, and all will be well.

Hazelden Foundation

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