Sunday, August 2, 2020

Aug. 2, 2020 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Sunday, Aug. 2, 2020
Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:
Love your self’s self where it lives. — Anne Sexton
How often have we wished we were someone else, anyone else, rather than who we are? If we’re intense, have we longed to be calmer? If we’re introverted, have we dreamed of being extroverted? And, of course, being an addict, have we wished we were “normal”?
The truth is that there is no such thing as “normal.” Each of us is special; we have the potential within to realize our unique destiny. The infinite growth of which we’re capable comes from qualities we now possess. We can change ourselves, but we can never put within us what simply isn’t there. To try to do so is perfectionistic and will focus our energy outside ourselves, which can trigger our addiction.
Instead, we can learn to be directed by what is inside of us. We can appreciate and love ourselves as we are and choose people in our life who do the same.
The more I appreciate the mystery of who I am, the less I’ll wish I were someone else.
Hazelden Foundation

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