Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dec. 15, 2019 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Sunday, Dec. 15, 2019

Reflection for the Day
Some people are such worriers that they worry about the fact that they have nothing to worry about. Newcomers in The Program sometimes feel, for example, “This is much too good to last.” Most of us, however, have plenty of real things to worry about – old standbys like money, health, death and taxes, to name just a few. But The Program tells us that the proven antidote to worry and fear is confidence – confidence not in ourselves but in our Higher Power.

Will I continue to believe that God can and will avert the calamity that I spend my days and nights dreading? Will I believe that if calamity does strike, God will enable me to see it through?

Today I Pray
May I realize that the worry habit – worry that grows out of broader, often unlabeled fears – will take more than time to conquer. Like many dependent people, I have lived with worry so long that it has become my constant, floor-pacing companion. May my Higher Power teach me that making a chum out of worry is a waste of my energy and fritters away my constructive hours.

Today I Will Remember
Kick the worry habit.

Hazelden Foundation

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