Step by Step
Friday, April 19, 2019
Today, gratitude that we have been given the gift to feel other than a hangover, the loss of focus and concentration, the fear of what we said and did last night but can't remember, fear of promises we cannot keep. All else, feel the good and bad, grateful for the good and remorse and regret for the bad. And if we feel the need to cry, cry with the good and the bad, but hold onto the good and use it as a stepping stone to tomorrow and ask the Higher Power to take from us the bad because we need not hold onto it any longer. If we feel anger, feel it - then let go and let God. If we feel resentment, we must not allow it to infect our today and threaten tomorrow. Instead, be grateful that we now have the choice to ask God to take from us what we should not hold onto. With all that we feel, the good will outweigh the bad and, because it does, we have no reason to drink, no reason to use. Live and do not fear today. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M., 2019
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