Saturday, December 1, 2018

Dec. 1, 2018 - Readings in Recovery: Step by Step

Step by Step
Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018

"Pity me the heart that is slow to learn
What the quick mind sees at every turn." - Edna St. Vincent Millay

"For a while ...we can endure the intellect's being ahead of the emotions, which is the import of Millay's couplet. But as the years go by, the stretch becomes unbearable; and the man with the grown-up brain and the childish emotions - vanity, self-interest, false pride, jealousy, longing for social approval - becomes a prime candidate for alcohol. ...(T)hat is a definition of alcoholism: a state of being in which the emotions have failed to grow to the stature of the intellect." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Lost Nearly All," Ch 11 ("He Who Loses His Life"), pp 534-35.

Today, alcoholism cannot be arrested by intellectual strategies and I must measure - honestly - my emotional state. Without healthy emotions, the quality of my sobriety will likely be little more than being on a dry drunk. Accepting that alcohol is "but a symptom" of our underlying condition, we are compelled to seek sobriety by doing more than abstaining. If today the number of 24 Hours since my last drink is days, months or years, a measure of the quality of my sobriety may be if I still harbor the emotions that I felt when I was drinking. If so, I probably need to review and refine my Program. Sobriety is more than not drinking and comes with physical, spiritual and emotional renewal. The 12 Steps give us a road map to recovery. Today, I need to look honestly at my emotional affairs. I've already tried the intellectual route. It got me nowhere. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M., 2018

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