Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sept. 9, 2018 - Readings in Recovery: Step by Step

Step by Step
Sunday, Sept. 9, 2018

Today, accept that I need a Higher Power for a quality sobriety. To those in the program who might say a higher Power is a myth or an entity that does not exist, look back on our experience as a drinking alcoholic when we conducted ourselves without regard to the needs or feelings of others, when we made decisions based only on our wants. I didn't do such a great job running my life on my own, and it was only when I sought and found a Power stronger and wiser than myself that I began my journey of spiritual awakening. And the Higher Power that the program suggests we all need is not necessarily the God of organized religion or even a god. That Higher Power can be nothing more simple than a development of a moral conscience that dictates how we manage our lives and choices. Today, I ask if I need a Higher Power. Yes. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M., 2018

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