Friday, October 14, 2016

Oct. 14, 2016 - Addiction and Recovery: A Day at a Time

The Serenity Prayer
A Day at a Time
Friday, Oct. 14, 2016

Reflection for the Day
"Fundamental progress has to do with the reinterpretation of basic ideas," wrote Alfred North Whitehead. When we review the ups and downs of our recovery in The Program, we can see the truth of that statement. We make progress each time we get rid of an old idea, each time we uncover a character defect, each time we become ready to have that defect removed and then humbly ask God to remove it. We make progress, one day at a time, as we shun the first drink, the first pill, the first addictive act that will so quickly swerve us from the path of growth to the road back to torment and despair.

Have I considered the progress I've made since I've come to the Program?

Today I Pray
May I remember that there are few new ideas in this world, only old ones reinterpreted and restated. May I be always conscious that even the big things in life - like love, brotherhood, God, sobriety - become more finely defined in each human life. So may the Twelve Steps of the Program be redefined in each of our lives, as we keep in mind that, basically, these are time-tried principles - which work.

Today I Will Remember
The Twelve Steps work.

Hazelden Foundation

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