Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6, 2013 - The Eye Opener

The Eye Opener
Monday, May 6, 2013
AA is the outgrowth of a long period of experimentation. It is true that two men conceived the idea, but it was only incorporated into a working plan after pooling the experiences of a hundred more.

The "Big Book" is a collection of ideas and experiences. There is no one in AA who can say, "I, and I alone, conceived the idea in its entirety; I, and I alone, organized it; I, and I alone, control it." No man - with all due appreciation to the founders - developed AA, for AA is a program of growth; it has grown from the day of its inception and is still in the process of growth and development.

We move onward and upward, side by side and hand in hand, helping and sustaining one another. This way we will advance, but when someone begins to control and command, deserters will out-number recruits.

Hazelden Foundation

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