Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8, 2013 - Step by Step

Step by Step
Monday, April 8, 2013
Today, I will have absolute and unquestionable faith in my Higher Power that He will give me what I think I want or need when He, not I, decides if and when I should receive. I can reach into my yesterdays to cement my faith that, when in my darkest days, I saw no hope but was delivered from active alcoholism and the damage to others and things like my job, credibility and faith. But it was only when I "admitted (I am) powerless" and "came to believe" that I began to emerge from the alcoholic shadows and only when I had reached the point when I was able to begin to live as an alcoholic in recovery. Today, sober, if I am anxious, angry, frustrated or resentful that I do not have what I think I deserve or need, let me be reminded that it was only when I was taken to the point to be responsible that my Higher Power delivered. And maybe in recovery I've learned to be careful not to get what I wish for: I might get it. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M., 2013

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