Sunday, February 3, 2013

Feb. 3, 2013 - A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013

Reflection for the Day
The Program enables us to discover two roadblocks that keep us from seeing the value and comfort of the spiritual approach: self-justification and self-righteousness. The first grimly assures me that I'm always right. The second mistakenly comforts me with the delusion that I'm better than other people - "holier than thou."

Just for today, will I pause abruptly while rationalizing and ask myself, "Why am I doing this? Is this self-justification really honest?"

Today I Pray

May I overcome the need to be "always right" and know the cleansing feeling of release that comes with admitting, openly, a mistake. May I be wary of setting myself up as an example of self-control and fortitude, and give credit where it is due - to a Higher Power.

Today I Will Remember
To err is human, but I need to admit it. 

Hazelden Foundation

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