Monday, January 7, 2013

Jan. 7, 2013 - A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Monday, Jan. 7, 2013

Reflection for the Day
I'm beginning to see just how unnatural my old life actually was, and that it became increasingly unnatural as my illness progressed. The longer I'm in The Program, the more natural this new way of life seems. At first, it was impossible for me to extend my hand to a newcomer; such an act was wholly unnatural for me. But it is becoming increasingly easier for me to reach out to another person. Sharing my experience, strength and hope is becoming a natural part of daily living.

Have I learned that I can't keep what I've gotten unless I "give it away?" Will I take the time to share today?

Today I Pray

May I share my love, my joy, my happiness, my time, my hospitality, my knowledge of things on earth and my faith in a Higher Power. Even though I may not see the results of my acts of sharing, may I take joy in the acts of themselves. May sharing, according to God's plan, become as natural to me as speaking or breathing.

Today I Will Remember
Be never sparing in caring or sharing.

Hazelden Foundation

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