Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dec. 8, 2012 - A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Saturday, Dec. 8, 2012

Reflection for the Day
We often see people in The Program - devoutly and with seeming sincerity - ask for God's guidance on matters ranging from major crises to such insignificant things as what to serve at a dinner party. Though they may be well-intentioned, such people tend to force their wills into all sorts of situations - with the comfortable assurance that they're following God's specific directions. In reality, this sort of prayer is nothing more than a self-serving demand of God for "replies;" it has little to do with The Program's suggested Eleventh Step.

Do I strive regularly to study each of the Steps, and to practice them in all my affairs?

Today I Pray

May I not make the common mistake of listing my own solutions for God and then asking for a stamp of Divine approval. May I catch myself if I am not really opening my mind to God's guidance, but merely laying out my own answers with a "what do You think of these?' attitude.

Today I Will Remember
Am I looking for God's rubber stamp?

Hazelden Foundation

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