Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Oct. 12, 2016 - Addiction and Recovery: A Day at a Time

The Serenity Prayer
A Day at a Time
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2016 
Reflection for the Day
Many people we meet in The Program radiate a kind of special glow - a joy for living that shows in their faces and very bearing. They've put aside alcohol and other mood-altering chemicals where they're "high" on life itself. Their confidence and enthusiasm are contagious - especially to those who are new in The Program. The astonishing thing to newcomers is that those same joyous people also were once heavily burdened. The miracle of their before-and-after stories and new outlook is living proof that The Program works. 
Does my progress in The Program serve to carry the message to others? 
Today I Pray
I pray that my own transformation through The Program - from burdened to unburdened, beaten down to upbeat, careless to caring, tyrannized by chemicals to chemically free - will be as much inspiration for newcomers as the dramatic changes in others' lives have been for me. May I - like those other joyous ones in the fellowship - learn how to be "high on life." 
Today I Will Remember
Life is the greatest "high" of them all. 
Hazelden Foundation

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