Sunday, August 25, 2024

Aug. 25, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time


A Day at a Time
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024

Reflection for the Day
Without freedom from addiction, we have nothing. Yet we can’t be free of our addictive obsessions until we become willing to deal with the character defects which brought us to our knees. If we refuse to work on our glaring defects, we’ll almost certainly return to our addiction. If we stay clean and sober with a minimum of self-improvement, perhaps we’ll settle into a comfortable but dangerous sort of limbo for a while. Best of all, if we continuously work The Steps, striving for fineness of spirit and action, we’ll assuredly find true and lasting freedom under God.

Am I walking with confidence that I’m at last on the right track?

Today I Pray
May God show me that freedom from addiction is an insecure state unless I can be freed also of my compulsions. May God keep me from a half-hearted approach to The Program, and make me know that I cannot be spiritually whole if I am still torn apart by my own dishonesty and selfishness.

Today I Will Remember
Half-hearted, I cannot be whole.

Hazelden Foundation

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