Monday, February 12, 2024

Feb. 12, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Monday, Feb. 12, 2024

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

I am both a conservative and a radical; I would conserve what is valuable but willingly change what requires changing.

 Eric Maisel

We have the responsibility not to make promises lightly or thoughtlessly; the commitments we make to ourselves and others are important. But consistency doesn’t mean we’re never allowed to change our thinking or our lives.

As we plan our day, let’s remind ourselves of our primary purpose, planning to keep the promises and commitments we’ve made. Let’s also examine things we’re doing that are a source of discomfort and consider departing from a habit or personal tradition that no longer fits us. Our sense of ourselves can be independent and fluid enough to support our growth. We can open our minds about what is possible for us to be and do, and we can bring our lives into truer alignment with our deep understanding of ourselves.

Let’s plan that as new situations arise, we will make any new commitments with care, first considering our ability and willingness to keep them. We need not be limited by local ideas and customs, by roles that have been imposed by the culture, or by others’ expectations of how we ought to express our identity.

Today, I expand my sense of who I am and can be.

Hazelden Foundation

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