Monday, February 12, 2024

Feb. 12, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time


A Day at a Time

Monday, Feb. 12, 2024

Reflection for the Day

I am grateful for my friends in The Program. Right now I am aware of the blessings of friendship – the blessings of meeting, of sharing, of smiling, of listening, and of being available when needed. Right now I know that if I want a friend, I must be a friend.

Will I vow, this day, to be a better friend to more people? Will I strive, this day – in my thoughts, words and actions – to disclose the kind of friend I am?

Today I Pray

May I restore in kind to the fellowship of The Program the friendship I have so hungrily taken from it. After years of glossing my lonely existence with superficial acquaintanceships, may I learn again the reciprocal joys of caring and sharing.

Today I Will Remember

Be a friend.

Hazelden Foundation

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