Thursday, October 14, 2021

Oct. 14, 2021 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Thursday, Oct. 14, 2021

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

It’s not true that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are winners before the game even starts. — Addison Walker

Being considerate, civil, generous, and interested in others forms the basis of good character and good relationships with others. When we stop being so focused on ourselves, when we stop trying to come out ahead of everyone else, our world opens up. We suddenly have good, supportive friendships that are more valuable than material winnings.

The Golden Rule is ancient advice that is expressed in many languages and world religions. It says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It is a small man who takes away someone else’s power to advance his own. A strong man can confidently cheer for the strength of others.

Today, I am grateful for the good friends in my life.

Hazelden Foundation

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