Saturday, September 11, 2021

Sept. 11, 2021 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

People need joy. Quite as much as clothing. Some of them need it far more. — Margaret Collier Graham

Life is not without pain and travail. They are necessary to new awareness which prompts growth. And the gift of growth is joy. Pain and joy are thus intertwined. It is possible to feel only the burden of pain and not the exhilaration of joy, however.

Before seeking help to change our lives, many of us were heavily burdened by pain. But we were unable to open ourselves to the knowledge made possible by that pain. We were on a treadmill, accumulating painful experiences at every step, unable to capture the joy that was ever present.

We can have hope. Joy does await each of us today. We must open our eyes to it, just as we must open our hearts to one another. We must be willing to peel away the layers of pain to expose the core, the seedling of joy. And we need joy in our lives, just as surely as we need rest and a good diet. We need the light heart that joy fosters for a better perspective on the many experiences we’ll face today, and every day.

Recovery has given me this new option. It guarantees me that every burden will be lightened. The knowledge that joy is inherent, within every experience, is mine, now and forever.

Hazelden Foundation

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