Tuesday, April 13, 2021

April 13, 2021 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

Self-love can seem a confusing maze in which many of us feel lost and hopeless. We hold on tightly to memories of the love we did not receive in the past, using them as a shield to protect us from being vulnerable and hurt again. Our hearts stay closed, although the yearning for deep connection may remain.

Self-love asks us to be mindful and hold our own well-being and happiness in positive regard. This is not a narcissistic, selfish perspective, an always aim-to-feel-good state. Rather, it is an honoring of our very being. It is a dynamic appreciation for both our strengths and weaknesses, grounded in the gradual acceptance of who we are as a whole being—with all our unique physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual flavors and flaws.

Addictive behaviors helped us run from our faults rather than learn to accept and then, perhaps, transform them. Knowing what we feel, think, and want leads to a deeper understanding of self-care and healthy boundaries. It is a lifelong journey that we nourish by small actions and wise choices each and every day.

Today, I will focus on improving one personal quality that will help me love myself more.

Hazelden Foundation

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