Sunday, March 14, 2021

March 14, 2021 - Readings in Recovery: Step by Step


Step by Step
Sunday, March 14, 2021

Today, if I need to talk about something that bothers and weighs me down, I will not be held back by my old character defects of fear, uncertainty, anger, self-imposed isolation or the thought that I might come off as "unloading" or "dumping." The Program has taught that recovery is partly about mutual sharing and support, and I can't expect either if I hide what I know I must give voice to, be it an admission of a wrong done long ago and still requires amend or the dread of saying something horrific because to say it will make it true. In asking for help, I might not get a solution but I might get release from anxiety, fear, dread, loneliness and all those other traits of my emotional and spiritual disease simply by talking to an empathetic ear that might have some experience, strength and hope to share. Today, I will not be alone. I shall be a part of, not apart. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M., 2021

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