Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020
Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:
If a child lives with approval, he learns to live with himself. — Dorothy Law Nolte
It has been said and proven over and over that a person’s self-image is largely formed by the image reflected back from other people. Those around us are mirrors. The more important they are to us, the more power they have to reflect our identity back to us. Thus, the world is largely in the process of being created daily before our own eyes.
We are the most important people in the world to our children. Their identity, as we reflect it back to them, is the first and the most important information they receive.
Despite the powerlessness we adult children may feel, let us also be aware of the enormous power we have in creating the self-image of our children. If we doubt this, all we need to do is recall the influence our parents had on us in forming our self-image. We have the same power over our children. As we were influenced then, so we influence now. A miracle is happening before our eyes if we but see it.
I will lose no opportunity to show my children how beautiful they are.
Hazelden Foundation
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