Monday, January 14, 2019

Jan. 14, 2019 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundaiton

Monday, Jan. 14, 2019
Today’s Gift from Hazelden Foundation is:

It is the weak who are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong.   Leo Rosten

When we think of strength, do we think of someone who shows no emotion and intimidates others with physical power? True strength is the freedom to show all kinds of feelings. Strong people aren’t afraid of being vulnerable. A person who feels insecure may not feel free to show any kind of softness or be able to share gentle feelings. If we have true inner strength, we are not afraid to show what is a part of us, gentle feelings included.

It is wonderful to see a well-conditioned athlete cry tears of joy after a victory. In such an example we can see physical and emotional strength. In our lives together, we will be stronger if we do not try to hide our feelings out of fear. As our feelings flow, we will increase our self-understanding and build our true strength.

Am I strong enough to show how I really feel today?

Hazelden Foundation

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