Thursday, January 10, 2019

Jan. 10, 2019 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Thursday, Jan. 10, 2019
Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

When we begin to take our failures nonseriously, it means we are ceasing to be afraid of them. -- Katherine Mansfield

Perfectionism and its control over our lives stands seriously in the way of our growth and well-being, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. Life’s lessons come through failures probably more than successes. Through our failures we learn humility. We learn to look to others for help and guidance. We learn how to let others fail, too. We fail because we are human.

When we no longer fear failure, we are free to attempt greater feats. We dare to learn more, and life is fuller for it—not just our own lives, but the lives that we touch.

Laughter over our mistakes eases the risk of trying again. Laughter keeps us young, and the lighthearted find more pleasure in each day.

I will fail at something I try today. I can laugh about it, though. My laughter will open the way to another try.

Hazelden Foundation

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