Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Nov. 7, 2018 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2018

Reflection for the Day
There are those in The Program who, at the beginning, shun meditation and prayer as they would avoid a pit filled with rattlesnakes. When they do finally take the first tentative and experimental step, however, and unexpected things begin to take place, they begin to feel different. Invariably, such tentative beginnings lead to true belief, to the extent that those who once belittled prayer and meditation become nothing less than walking advertisements for its rewards. We hear in The Program that "almost the only scoffers at prayer are those who never really tried it."

Is there an obstinate part of me that still scoffs?

Today I Pray
May I learn, however irreverent I have been, that prayer is not to be mocked; I see the power of prayer effecting miracles around me, and I wonder. If I have refused to pray, may I look to see if pride is in my way - that old pride that insists on doing things on its own. Now that I have found a place for prayer in my life, may I reserve that place - religiously.

Today I Will Remember
Whoever learns to pray keeps on praying.

Hazelden Foundation

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