Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Nov. 6, 2018 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018

Reflection for the Day
There are no boundaries to meditation. It has neither width, depth nor height, which means that it can always be further developed without limitation of any sort. Meditation is an individual matter; few of us meditate in the same way, and in that sense, it is truly a personal adventure. For all of us who practice meditation seriously, however, the purpose is the same: to improve our conscious contact with God. Despite its lack of specific dimensions and despite its intangibility, meditation is, in reality, the most intensely practical thing that we can do. One of its first rewards, for example, is emotional balance. What could be more practical than that?

Am I broadening and deepening the channel between myself and God?

Today I Pray
As I seek God through daily prayer and meditation - may I find the peace that passes understanding, that balance that gives perspective to the whole of life. May I center myself in God.

Today I Will Remember
My balance comes from God.

Hazelden Foundation

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