Sunday, November 11, 2018

Nov. 11, 2018 - Readings in Recovery: Step by Step

Step by Step
Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018

"When I am hungry, give me someone that I can feed. And when I am thirsty, give me someone who needs a drink. When I'm cold, give me someone to keep warm. And when I grieve, give me someone to console." - Mother Teresa (1910-1997)

Today, the words of a religious icon transcend denominations and religion itself and embraces a fundamental ethic of AA - focus off self and on those who need it as much and more. The 12th step inspires us to be of service by carrying AA's message to those who need and want it. And by directing my focus on those who need the message and guidance through the other steps, I hope to have little time to dwell on myself, though not neglecting my responsibilities to my own program. At the same time, by listening and helping someone else resolve or reconcile their problems, I may have to eat crow if I think no one carries the weight that I do. My recovery requires abandonment of self, and the quality of my sobriety can be expected to be less than what it could be if I make my recovery about myself. My drinking was all about myself, and the outcome speaks for itself. Today, if I find someone who is hungry, who is thirsty, who is cold or who grieves, grant me the humanity to put their needs before my wants. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M., 2018

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