Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 9, 2013 - Step by Step

Step by Step
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Today - and every day that follows if I have them - I begin to accept reality as it is and not as I perceive it through my character defects or as I think my reality should be. Failure or refusal to recognize and accept the reality of my being makes my Program of recovery one that is not based in fact, honesty and integrity and, predictably, I may be setting myself up for relapse if my recovery is based on anything less than truth. Being abstinent is not the end of recovery; it is the beginning because I have to confront the emotional and spiritual defects of a sick character that take significantly longer than just being dry to repair. Today, in my Fourth and 10th Steps, may I have the objectivity - not to mention guts - to be honest about my reality so that my recovery is based in truth instead of denial of my actual emotional and spiritual condition. A recovery of anything less than absolute self-awareness and honesty makes me little more than a dry drunk. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M., 2013

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