Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jan. 6, 2013 - A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Sunday, Jan. 6, 2013

Reflection for the Day
"As individuals and as a fellowship," Bill W. continued, "we shall surely suffer if we cast the whole idea of planning for tomorrow into a fatuous idea of providence. God's real providence has endowed us human beings with a considerable capability for foresight, and He evidently expects us to use it. Of course, we shall often miscalculate the future in whole or in part, but that is better than to refuse to think at all."

Have I begun to believe that I am only an actor in a play which the Manager directs?

Today I Pray

May I make prudent use of the foresight and power of choice which God has given me, to plan wisely, one Step at a time, without becoming a slave to apprehension, regret or anxiety. I pray that God's will be done through the exercising of my own will, which He, in His goodness, has given me.

Today I Will Remember
God wills my will to be.

Hazelden Foundation

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