Monday, December 3, 2012

Dec. 3, 2012 - A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Monday, Dec. 3, 2012

Reflection for the Day
Our ancient enemy, self-will, wears a mask, confronting me with this sort of rationalization: "Why do I have to lean on God? Hasn't He already given me the intelligence to think for myself?" I have to pause when such thoughts creep into my mind, remembering that I've never really been able to bring about the results I wanted simply by relying on my own devices. I'm not self-sufficient, nor do I know all the answers; bitter experience alone teaches me that.

Do I know that I need God's guidance? Am I willing to accept it?

Today I Pray
I pray that, as I become stronger in my conviction and in my sobriety, I will not begin to shrug off my dependence on a Higher Power. May I continue to pray for guidance, even when things seem to be going along smoothly. May I know that I need my Higher Power as much in times of triumph as in times of trauma.

Today I Will Remember
Self-sufficiency is a godless myth.

Hazelden Foundation

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