Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Oct. 2, 2012- Today's Gift from Hazelden

Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012
Today's thought from Hazelden is:

I look in the mirror through the eyes of the child that was me. --Judy Collins

The child within each of us is fragile, but very much alive, and she interprets our experiences before we are even conscious of them. It is our child who may fear new places, unfamiliar people, and strange situations. Our child needs nurturing, the kind she may not have received in the past. We can take her hand, coax her along, let her know she won't be abandoned. No new place, unfamiliar person, or strange situation need overwhelm her.

It's quite amazing the strength that comes to us when we nurture ourselves, when we acknowledge the scared child within and hold that child making him or her secure. We face nothing alone. Together, we can face anything.

I will take care of my inner child today and I won't abandon that child to face alone any of the experiences the day may bring.

From the book:

Each Day a New Beginning by Karen Casey. © 1982, 1991 by Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved.

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