Thursday, March 11, 2021

March 11, 2021 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

Secrets keep us walled in

False pride keeps us stuck in old behavior and unnecessary pain. Why is it so hard to acknowledge who we really are? Do we think it’s a secret? We can be assured that admitting our failings to another person and to God, as suggested by the Fifth Step, won’t be startlingly new information to either.

Until we have done this Step we cannot fathom the relief we will feel. Our secrets have constricted us. Our obsession with them has stolen our peace of mind and our creativity. We are much more than our defects, but we can’t see that until we have unburdened ourselves of them.

After revealing it all, we see that we’re not so different from everyone else. The person we’ve chosen to hear our Fifth Step doesn’t bat an eye at even the worst of our transgressions. Any expectation we might have had that God would punish us vanishes. We know now that God has always known who we are. And we are coming to believe that we have been loved unconditionally all along.

Why am I so afraid of telling who I really am? I’ll take a chance by telling someone at least one small secret today and see what happens.

Hazelden Foundation

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