Friday, January 8, 2021

Jan. 8, 2021 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time


A Day at a Time
Friday, Jan. 8, 2021

Reflection for the Day
Today is the day for which I asked and for which I have been given strength. That in itself is a miracle. In my old life, I constantly endangered myself as well as countless others. So the very fact that I am alive is the great miracle from which all other miracles will flow, providing I continue to do the things that have brought me this far in my new life.

Am I grateful that I have been given this day?

Today I Pray
May God’s goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life. May I never cease to wonder at the greatest miracle in my life – that I am alive, here, on this green earth, and growing healthier with the life-preserving tools I have been given. Since God has chosen to give me life and to preserve my life, even through the dangers of addiction, may I always continue to listen for His plan for me. May I always believe in miracles.

Today I Will Remember
My life is a miracle.

Hazelden Foundation

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