Saturday, March 14, 2020

March 14, 2020 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Saturday, March 14, 2020
Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:
Reflection for the Day
Before I came to the program—in fact, before I knew of the program’s existence—I drifted from crisis to crisis. Occasionally, I tried to use my will to chart a new course; however, like a rudderless ship, I inevitably foundered once again on the rocks of my own despair. Today, in contrast, I receive guidance from my Higher Power. Sometimes, the only answer is a sense of peace or an assurance that all is well.
Even though there may be a time of waiting before I see results, or before any direct guidance comes, will I try to remain confident that things are working out in ways that will be for the greatest good of everyone concerned?
Today I Pray
May I not expect instant, verbal communication with my Higher Power, like directions on a stamped, self-addressed postcard. May I have patience, and listen, and sense that my Higher Power is present. May I accept my new feeling of radiant warmth and serenity as my Higher Power’s way of assuring me that I am, finally, making some good choices.
Today I Will Remember
Patience: my Higher Power’s message will come.
Hazelden Foundation

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